
Welcome to my blog!

I have long been called to live my life in a spirit of Radical Vulnerability. This blog is the next level of this social experiment. I offer you my stories and my heart, in hopes that it will inspire you to do the same for another.

We live in a time of massive transformation. All around us, social systems are crumbling, only to make way for something new to be born in their place. We have the deep honour and responsibility to live embodied on planet earth during this time of great upheaval.

As we begin to co-create a world that supports the great diversity of experiences, needs, and perspectives of all living things, may we also find new ways of living into our truth. May we offer our hearts, our Souls, to act always for the Highest Good of All.

It is with this prayer that I offer you my stories, told from my heart to yours, for the Highest Good of All Beings.

****In honour of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (September), I have decided to share personal accounts - both as a teen, going through leukemia treatments, and as a mom, walking beside my son as he goes through his own leukemia treatments. He was four at diagnosis, I was thirteen. I’ll share stories that have been written over the last twenty-four years, through my journeying with childhood cancer and its lasting effects.