The Spiral Chakra Deck

Chakras are constantly moving spirals, multidimensional vortexes of energy. While it is commonly known that "chakra" means "spinning wheel of light", the column of chakras in the energy system is usually worked with in a vertical way. This is where the Spiral Chakra System differs, moving through the chakras in a spiral, not a line.

The Spiral Chakra System is based on an understanding that the chakras are interconnected, and work together. We do not move through one chakra and onto the next in a vertical, linear fashion. It is a spiral journey - moving into and out of the heart. The heart is the beacon, where we beam our vital essence into the world.

The chakras work in pairs, supported by each other in finding balance and alignment. When one chakra gets blocked or stuck, it affects all the other chakras. We can constantly work to rebalance our chakras by working with the corresponding chakra, to support and align the energy.

Just like life is a never-ending spiral journey, so is our work with our chakras.

The Spiral Chakra System is meant to support the ongoing spiral journey, of continually balancing and rebalancing our chakras while we live, our heart as the beacon calling us home to both ourselves and each other.